Medical Clearance & EFMP
Medical Clearance and Exceptional Family Member Program
We understand the EFMP relocation process can be long and difficult, in order to process the clearance quickly and with a minimum of friction, we recommend the following:
- Ensure your family is enrolled in TRICARE correctly, they should only be in PRIME if they are being seen at an MTF and they must be in an overseas version if they are not
- Collect any records from civilian providers that your family has seen. If your family is not on TRICARE PRIME civilian providers are unlikely to send any medical records to the MTF and they will not be available for review when it comes time for your family’s overseas clearance. These records will be requested by your gaining MTF before your clearance can be processed, you’ll save time if you collect them now and provide them to either the 8 MDG records room or the records room of the MTF nearest your family. As part of the review process, any bills sent to TRICARE for your family’s medical visits will be reviewed. If the reviewers find a bill without a record, they will pause your clearance process to request that record.
- Ensure any specialty care your family is receiving has been properly documented. If any of your family members has been seen by specialists, the gaining MTF will need to know if that specialty care is still required or if it has been completed, this must be documented in their medical record.
- Your relocation clearance screener becomes available in Accomplish this as soon as you are able, answer honestly and completely then provide any documents requested.
- This is the stage where your family members may be asked to complete physical & dental exams and provide documentation for specialty needs and services. Alert your family members of these requirements as soon as possible to ensure they have adequate time to complete them and provide you with the documentation.
- If you have submitted all your documentation but have not heard back from the EFMP staff, reach out to our org box to verify that they are tracking your clearance packet and are not missing any information.
- It is not uncommon for the EFMP office to have requests for additional records at this point. Be alert to these requests, if you’re unable to regularly view your government email, provide the EFMP office with a more reliable method to contact you.
MILESTONE 4: 4 MON We understand the EFMP relocation process can be long and difficult, in order to process the clearance quickly and with a minimum of friction, we recommend the following:
- If your case has not yet proceeded through the clearance process, you should be in regular contact with the local EFMP office, to include face-to-face visits as appropriate. The EFMP office is located in building 405, room 1170 and is open for walk-in appointments most duty days after 1300, or by DSN 315-782-7066.
- Clarify with the EFMP staff exactly what they’re looking for in order to push your case
- Ensure you maintain contact with the local EFMP staff and alert them if you receive any communication regarding your clearance status from either the gaining MTF or
For more information about EFMP, please visit the AFMS website: