Welcome and In Processing

Now That You’re Here…Grab Your Gear!

All newly arrived DoD members must report to their squadron Commander Support Staff (CSS) within 24 hours (1 duty day) of arrival in country. They will provide in-processing checklists and agendas to guide you through your first few days in the Land of the Morning Calm.
Life on the Korean Peninsula requires members to be prepared in the event of an emergency. All military members with dependents and all US civilians assigned to Kunsan are required to maintain a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) binder in the event of a non-combatant evacuation. Additionally, all members are required to check out individual protective equipment (IPE) for themselves and their dependents upon arrival. You will receive additional information from your CSS and Unit NEO Warden to complete these processes during check-in.
We encourage you to visit the CAC-enabled 8FW SharePoint and familiarize yourself with the community standards and other wing policies.

Welcome & In-Processing Schedule

  1. Korean Readiness Orientation (KRO)– 3rd Monday thru Wednesday
    The purpose of this mandatory 3-day orientation consolidates activities into a singular event and provides a venue to complete all necessary PCS-related action while minimizing time away from the new unit of assignment and simultaneously enabling newly assigned members to integrate more quickly. All military ranks must attend ALL 3 days of KRO.
    1. Day 1:
      1. Newcomers Orientation: This includes an overview of Kunsan specific activities and services, Korean laws, as well as AFI-driven requirements. There is also a Mission Brief & Intelligence Update: All new members of the Wolf Pack will receive the 8 FW mission brief as well as a current intelligence update. All in-bound Officers will meet with Wolf and SNCO’s with Wolf Chief the first week after attending KRO.
        Location: Base Theater, Bldg. 1000
        Time: 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM
      2. In-Processing Information Fair: As part of a new initiative from the Wing’s In/Out-processing Team, the new In-Processing Information Fair is designed to streamline in-processing by providing resources and information to newly arriving Airmen. Representatives from base-level agencies such as Finance, Medical, Housing/ADL, Military Personnel Flight (MPF), and IPE will be available to schedule appointments, assist with issues and concerns and answer basic questions.
        Location: Loring Club Ballroom, Bldg. 1025
        Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
    2. Days 2-3:
      1. Mission Readiness Training: Upon arrival, all personnel will complete Kunsan’s Contingency Operations training to be prepared to operate in a contested environment specific to the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore, to enhance the Wolf Pack’s ability to Defend the Base, all 8 FW personnel will accomplish Kunsan Air Base Ground Defense Training on the second and third day of KRO. This training is the baseline requirement for personnel to accomplish General Arming in contingency operations and successfully execute the Wolf Pack mission. It is a building block for further defense training and activities across the installation.
      2. General Arming: All 8 FW personnel have the responsibility to arm when Kunsan AB faces threats or is operating in a contested environment. In addition to KRO training, unit commanders are responsible for ensuring their personnel meet arming requirements as outlined in DAFI 31-117. Additionally, unit commanders are responsible for ensuring they have a General Arming unit program manager who will be responsible for the administrative paperwork, tracking, and training of personnel within their units. 8 SFS will assist units by using the “train the trainer” method and provide opportunities for additional training as the opportunities arise.

        Location: Base Theater, Bldg. 1000
        Time: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

  2. Finance In-Processing – Mon-Thurs (Appointment only)

    Members will need to schedule an appointment with their CSS to complete in-processing through Finance. Members must bring all documents required to file their travel voucher (orders and receipts. Also, any amendments, marriage/divorce certificates, if changing dependency info. Visit the Travel Reimbursement page for more information.

    Location: Son Light Inn, Bldg. 510
    Time: 9:00 AM

  3. TRICARE/Medical In-Processing
    1. Members will need to bring a copy of their PCS orders to get enrolled in TRICARE and ensure the member can receive medical care at Kunsan.
      Contact the TRICARE Service Center: (DSN 782-7385) for assistance.
    2. Members must also submit all hand-carried medical and dental records to the Military Records desk at the Kunsan Clinic.
      Location: Kunsan Clinic, Bldg. 405
      Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  4. Korean Cultural Orientation
    These top-notch courses provided by the M&FRC offers members (and their families) several free language and craft classes to immerse in the rich history and culture of our host nation.
Contact Information

Military & Family Readiness Center
Bldg. 755 (across the street from the Post Office)
DSN 782-5644 | Commercial 063.470.5644
Email: 8FSS.MFRC.OfficialCoord@us.af.mil